

Between 2014 and 2023, EVERY LAST SATURDAY (later Sunday) BETWEEN SEPTEMBER AND MAY-presented by the Lane Literary Guild and the River Road Park District, and hosted by Joan Dobbie and, most recently, Erica Goss, authors, poets, and sometimes musicians shared their original work at the River Road Annex. Our very last reading, closing out the River Road Reading Series for now, occured on May 27, 2023. Erica and Joan,along with Wendy Beck are now co-hosting the WINDFALL reading Series through the Eugene Public Library and the Lane Literary Guild.

************************************************************************************ Dear friends of RRRS I have sad news to report. Earlier this year, Craig Gilbert, who had been fighting cancer for some time, passed away... on January 15,2025 we lost Martha Gatchel. Martha had been, for years, very important in our River Road Reading Series. She was the one who brought 90% of our grand buffet each month! For decades, as far back as the 1980s,, maybe even 70's, she and husband Jerry were vibrant members of our local poetry community. Martha was,over the years deeply involved in the yearly Bill Stafford celebration.Losing Martha signifies, in a way, the end of an era. My heart is heavy for the loss of her. ************************************************************************************

For detailed information on readings held before January 2016 as well as authors' videos, click on the "EARLIER READINGS" link. A flier will appear for each reading and as you scroll down, you'll find links to videos. Most of these videos were created by Howard Robertson. The October 2014 videos were created by Steven Blue. The November 2014 video by Joan Dobbie.